
Medical Writing Assignment#2

Medical Writing Assignment #2.


The test is divided into three tasks and the details of the tasks are mentioned below. The maximum time for the test is 2 hours starting from 12:30 pm. You are free to decide time to be allocated on each task and a tentative time limit is provided below. In case we do not receive the response email back, test would be considered invalid.


Please confirm the receipt of email.


  • Task 1 (50 min): Please provide the write up around the tables present in the attached document. There are two tables and you need to write the summary for them separately.


  1. Task 2 (50 min): Please provide the disease background on Schizophrenia. The information should be focused on pathophysiology of disease including any classification/staging information,  epidemiology, and the treatments used in clinical practice. For simplicity, please consider your response from the perspective of the United Kingdom only. Proper referencing of all sources must be included. This summary should not exceed three pages (MS word). 


  • Task 3 (20 min): What is your  biggest achievement and greatest failure in life-  elaborate with example.  Also, have you ever faced criticism in your life ( personal or professional) and if yes how have you handled it?


Once complete, please send back the documents (MS word) via email and mention your name on the document.