
HEOR Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced Candidates

Here's a list of 20 HEOR (Health Economics and Outcomes Research) interview questions along with sample answers for experienced professionals:


1. Question: What is the goal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)?

Answer: HEOR aims to assess the value of healthcare interventions by analyzing their clinical and economic outcomes to support informed decision-making in healthcare.


2. Question: Could you explain the difference between cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis?

Answer: Cost-effectiveness analysis compares the costs and outcomes of different interventions in natural units (e.g., life years gained), while cost-utility analysis incorporates preferences and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) to assess interventions in terms of their impact on health-related quality of life.


3. Question: How do you handle missing data in HEOR studies?

Answer: Handling missing data requires careful consideration. Common techniques include multiple imputation, sensitivity analysis, and exploring the patterns of missingness to determine if it's random or systematic.


4. Question: Can you explain the concept of budget impact analysis?

Answer: Budget impact analysis assesses the financial consequences of adopting a new healthcare intervention within a specific healthcare system, considering both direct and indirect costs.


5. Question: What are some challenges in conducting real-world evidence studies?

Answer: Challenges include data quality, selection bias, confounding factors, and ensuring that the study findings can be generalized to the target population.


6. Question: How do you determine the appropriate comparator in a HEOR study?

Answer: The choice of comparator depends on the research question and the standard of care. It should be relevant to clinical practice and aligned with the study objectives.


7. Question: Describe the process of conducting a systematic literature review for a HEOR study.

Answer: The process involves defining the research question, conducting a comprehensive search, screening articles, extracting data, assessing quality, and synthesizing the evidence to inform the research objectives.


8. Question: How do you address uncertainty in HEOR modeling?

Answer: Uncertainty can be addressed through sensitivity analysis, probabilistic modeling, and scenario analysis to assess the impact of different assumptions on the results.


9. Question: What are some common sources of bias in observational HEOR studies?

Answer: Selection bias, confounding, and measurement bias are common sources of bias in observational studies. Rigorous study design and statistical methods can help mitigate these biases.


10. Question: How do you ensure the relevance of HEOR findings to different stakeholders?

Answer: Engaging stakeholders early in the study design, using patient-reported outcomes, and conducting subgroup analyses can help ensure the relevance of findings to various stakeholders.


11. Question: Can you discuss the role of HEOR in value-based healthcare decisions?

Answer: HEOR provides evidence to inform decisions about the value of healthcare interventions, considering both clinical outcomes and economic impact, in order to allocate resources effectively.


12. Question: What are some considerations when adapting economic models from one healthcare setting to another?

Answer: Cultural differences, healthcare system variations, and epidemiological factors should be taken into account when adapting economic models to different settings.


13. Question: How do you incorporate patient perspectives in HEOR studies?

Answer: Patient perspectives can be incorporated through patient-reported outcomes, qualitative research, and patient engagement in study design to capture their preferences and experiences.


14. Question: Could you explain the concept of willingness-to-pay in cost-effectiveness analysis?

Answer: Willingness-to-pay represents the maximum amount a society is willing to spend for a unit of health benefit. It helps determine whether an intervention's cost is justified by the health outcomes it produces.


15. Question: How do you communicate HEOR findings to non-technical audiences?

Answer: Use clear and concise language, visual aids like graphs and charts, and focus on key takeaways that are relevant to the audience's interests and concerns.


16. Question: Can you give an example of a successful HEOR study you've been involved in?

Answer: Describe a study where you addressed a specific healthcare decision, the methodology used, key findings, and how the study influenced decision-making.


17. Question: What role does pharmacoeconomics play in HEOR research?

Answer: Pharmacoeconomics focuses on evaluating the economic impact of pharmaceutical interventions, helping to optimize drug therapy choices based on cost-effectiveness and outcomes.


18. Question: How do you stay up-to-date with the evolving trends in HEOR?

Answer: Mention sources like academic journals, conferences, professional organizations, and online platforms where you access the latest research and discussions.


19. Question: What ethical considerations are important in HEOR research?

Answer: Ethical considerations include patient confidentiality, informed consent, transparency in reporting, and ensuring the research benefits outweigh any potential risks.


20. Question: How do you handle conflicting findings from different HEOR studies?

Answer: Address conflicting findings through critical appraisal, examining study design differences, assessing the quality of evidence, and considering potential sources of bias.